My Cybersecurity Assessment

Get my free Cybersecurity Assessment "Checklist"

  1. Self-Assess your Company's risk for a Ransomware or Malware attack with (8) easy questions!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    You will get the following important questions answered with my FREE "Checklist":

    • Security tool for management

    • Quick Self-Assessment to determine risk to Ransomware & Malware attacks.

    • Peace of Mind - you are tackling a huge problem for small business.

    Big Problem for Small Business:

    One innocent mistake can cause irreparable financial damage to your company. Statistically, 85% of the time an employee clicks on a bad link causing the download of Ransomware or Malware to your computer systems.

    This means that ONE MISTAKE by a careless employee (not premeditated) can potentially cause a cyber criminal to gain access to your most sensitive financial information. This means ONE intrusion by a skilled cyber criminal can potentially cause you to lose your business. Yes, just one mistake.

    This is why you need to answer my questions in this "Checklist". I recommend you give a copy of this Checklist to all your staff/management and gain their response as well as yours.